2022-2026 Grant Township Recreation Plan Survey
Grant Township is working with the Western Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Region (WUPPDR) to update their joint five-year recreation plan. In addition to guiding improvements to the township’s recreation facilities and sites, the plan will ensure the county is eligible for certain grants from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Members of the public can have a voice in the planning effort by taking a short survey. In addition to general questions about recreation interests, the survey requests feedback on a number of potential projects.
Online responses are preferred and can be provided at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GrantTwpRec. Alternatively, paper copies can be obtained at the Copper Harbor Town Hall and General Store.
The survey opens on October 13, 2021 and responses will be accepted through November 12, 2021. For further information, contact Rachael Pressley at rpressley@wuppdr.org (906) 482-7205 ext. 116.